Blanco Tampera
Hot water on tap
Whether you want to pour fresh tea, brew some coffee, blanch vegetables or fill up your hot-water bottle, If you want to boil some water, you usually have to wait. But not any longer! Now you have the smart BLANCO TAMPERA Hot 3-in-1 mixer tap instead. 3-in-1 means cold, warm and instant boiling water from a single mixer tap. Having boiling water on-tap without having to wait is a real advantage and saves valuable time. The mixer tap is controlled via a separate hot water rotary knob with a safety catch. After every use, the rotary knob springs straight back to the original position, ensuring maximum safety. The water in the boiler is heated to 105°C to ensure that bacteria and germs are thoroughly eliminated. The insulated spout and the concentrated, low-spray jet of water protect your hands from the hot water. You’re always on the safe side with BLANCO TAMPERA.
Blanco Tampera
3-in-1 mixer tap: 100% boiling, cold and warm water out of one tap
Separate levers incl. safety button for boiling water
4-litre hot water boiler made of highly resistant and tasteless titanium - ideal in combination with SELECT Compact waste system
100°C water in a controlled jet through an aerator that reduces spray to protect your hands
High-end BWT multi-stage filter reduces lime scale, contaminates and improves taste
Insulated spout that doesn't get hot to the touch
Digital Flowmeter displays exact filter capacity with audible alert system