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Blanco Choice Icona 

BLANCO Choice Icona Tap

Blanco Choice giving you the choice of sparkling, boiling, chilled, filtered or unfiltered water all in one unit.

You can precisely control the temperature, carbonation, or quantity of water supplied to suit your preferences, and save up to four personal settings effortlessly through the BLANCO app.

Blanco Choice Icona Tap

SPARKLING WATER (Still, medium or classic)

The Blanco system comes with a CO2 cartridge for sparkling water, no need to buy and store bottles anymore.

FILTERED (Can be chilled))

 Blanco unique filtration unit reduces limescale and impurities, making sure every drink looks clearer and tastes purer.


Boiling water besides the standard cold and warm tap water.

Blanco Water Conditioning Unit

Water conditioning unit meets modern needs

The BLANCO CHOICE.  All water conditioning unit provides water that is filtered and can be chilled, sparkling or boiling hot. It has intuitive operation through touch display on the box or in the BLANCO UNIT app for individualisation options.


Solid Stainless Steel


Black Matt


Satin Dark Steel


Satin Gold

Shop Blanco Choice  IconaTap

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